Wednesday, 8 February 2017

MySQL error 1449: The user specified as a definer does not exist

Error message

The error message is:
#1449 - The user specified as a definer ('web2vi'@'%') does not exist
You have two options:

1. Change the DEFINER

This is possibly easiest to do when initially importing your database objects, by removing any DEFINER statements from the dump.
Changing the definer later is a more little tricky:

How to change the definer for views

  1. Run this SQL to generate the necessary ALTER statements
    SELECT CONCAT("ALTER DEFINER=`youruser`@`host` VIEW ", 
    table_name, " AS ", view_definition, ";") 
    FROM information_schema.views 
    WHERE table_schema='your-database-name';
  2. Copy and run the ALTER statements

How to change the definer for stored procedures

UPDATE `mysql`.`proc` p SET definer = 'user@%' WHERE definer='root@%' Be careful, because this will change all the definers for all databases.

2. Create the missing user

If you've found following error while using MySQL database:
The user specified as a definer ('someuser'@'%') does not exist`
Then you can solve it by using following :
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'someuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'complex-password';
This worked like a charm - you only have to change someuser to the name of the missing user. On a local dev server, you might typically just use root.
Also consider whether you actually need to grant the user ALL permissions or whether they could do with less.

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